Sunday, March 4, 2007

Waterways 2007 Conference

Water. It’s everywhere…or is it? That’s what the WaterWays 07’ project aims to find out, exactly how much water is left on earth and what’s going to happen when we run out or better yet how to stop that from happening.
Already there are multiple foreign countries that are struggling to obtain water on a day to day basis. In the near future this could happen to us, something we want to avoid and try to stop before its too late.
During the weeks before there will be an artist, Daniel Bozhkov, working on his latest project; a piece that will correspond with the Waterways Conference and hopefully draw attention and people to come to the project. The conference is organized by the Philosophy of Water and prominent affiliates are backing this crucial conference. Affiliates like: Ramsawamy R. Iyer, the former Secretary of Water and Govt. of India, and John A. McLachlan.
Many people; philosophers, scientists, managers, artists and environmentalists and specialists will gather at The University of North Texas in Denton to try and solve this alarming problem. During the March 13 through 15 these intelligent affiliates will come together and host intense lecture series, movies panels and distinguished speakers including Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
What the project hopes to accomplish, helping people and future generations to come by drawing on resources of the projects focus, river basins. Other lectures will talk about rainwater and its resources as well as water conservation. There will also be panel discussions about the Mississippi River, India and other ecological discussions and many lectures about this growing problem and what to do about it.
All this is open to the public who are encouraged to come listen, learn and become aware about this. To pique your interest even more the Wednesday luncheon will be serving Indian food, so stop on by the Environmental building, grab a plat of hot and spicy curry and enjoy!

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