Sunday, March 4, 2007

Notes for Waterway

Waterways 2007 Conference

  • Include names
  • dates
  • specific events?
  • when/where
  • how long
  • why
  • Unbiased and keep it straight to the point

1. 5 Ws and 1 H

a. making it an associate press style- working to make it fit and look like news they are more likely to consider it news
b. who- Speakers
c. what- WaterWays conference
d. where- Denton/ UNT/Environmental Science building
e. when- March 13-15
f. why- awareness of water and preservation—water is a precious and diminishing resource
g. how- open to the public, free
i. when sent to different releases you have to write different ways
ii. emphasis shift—ex: India
1. focus more on Unesco , Ishwaran
2. highlight all those elements from water website specifically about India

1. leads- one paragraph
a. answer lots of questions in a small amount of space
b. active as possible
c. boil down the essence

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